Camel milk, the best alternative to cow’s milk!
Camel milk is raw, pure and natural and not pasteurized!


Composition Camel milk

Protein (g/100g) 2,55
Fat:   (g/100g) 3,4
Unsaturated fatty acids 43%
Lactose (g/100g) 4,3
Minerals (g/100g) 0,9
Energy 68,6 kcal/100g

Onderstaande getallen zijn percentages per 100ml melk

Minerals Vitamins
Na (mg%) 36 Thiamine (mg%) 0,03
K (mg%) 60 Riboflavine (mg%) 0,04
Ca (mg%) 132 B6 (mg%) 0,05
Mg (mg%) 16 B12 (mg%) 0,0002
Zn (mg%)  0,4 B3 (mg%) 0,046
Fe (mg%) 0,04 B5 (mg%) 0,09
Cu (mg%) 0,02 Vitamine E (mg%) 0,027
Mn (mg%) 0,02 Vitamine C (mg%) 3,6
P (mg%) 58 Vitamine A (I.U) 129,1
Cl (mg%) 0,16 Caroteen (mg%) 0,029

Camel milk doesn’t contain beta-lactoglobulin.


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